Green Smoothies

Green Smoothie Recipe

Even if your diet is lacking – especially if your diet is lacking – you can still feed your body a completely balanced meal every morning with the help of a green smoothie. You don’t have to be on a special diet to get proper nutrition.

You can make green smoothies with all sorts of combination of fruits, vegetables and powders, but there are some general guidelines (below) that if followed, will ensure your green smoothie is healthy and not junky.

  • Choose dark-green leafy vegetables like baby spinach, kale, chards, and mixed greens
  • Boost your protein intake with a vegetable protein such as hemp protein
  • To make your smoothie a complete food, add a scoop or two of spirulina
  • Flavor your smoothie with enzyme-rich pineapples, apples, and berries
  • Avoid adding sugar, or artificial sweeteners to your smoothie